
To all of you who followed along with me as I got my start in the blogging world, I’ve just now realized that none of you can tell that I am, in fact, still blogging. I switched my platform over to Squarespace about a year ago. I thought it was strange that I never saw your comments any more, and that my readership tanked. Well, I clearly knew nothing and didn’t realize the impact switching from the WordPress community would have. I miss you all and the community very deeply. I do, however, love the ease and look of Squarespace and have been told by several developer/code friends to stay there.

I’m still at burgersinmycakehole.com chugging along with my weight loss goals. I just bought a house! Crazy stuff and none of my WordPress friends have even noticed my posts because I’M A DERP. This is my apology. It sucks, I know. I miss you all. I’m going to go through my followers and be sure to subscribe to each of you so I don’t miss anything!