
Hello, I’m Morgan. I’m 25 26 years old. I’m an administrative assistant/paralegal hybrid in the Midwest-ish area. I live with my mega talented designer boyfriend, Mike. We have a big fluffy orange cat named Carl and a Boston Terrier named Bo.  I’m attempting to go from occasionally making mac and cheese and burning pizzas to cooking meals that people actually find yummy and fresh. I’m also attempting to make every recipe with easy to find ingredients because I don’t feel like I should have to order ingredients for dinner from Amazon. I’m also attempting to lose weight in this process to become a happier and healthier person. The biggest challenge I am attempting to accomplish is to not use so many run on sentences. Already failing. Welcome to my crazy corner of the interwebs.

Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot of food and animal pictures. @burgersinmycakehole

If you’re new to the blog, let’s start here.

If you wish I had tons of photos of before, after and in between, let me explain.

Random bits of information about me unrelated to fitness and health:
-I day dream about owning a small farm and growing all of my veggies. And having animals to just hang with that are not for eating. This will never happen. I can’t even keep the plant alive on my desk, much less know when fruits and veggies are “ripe.” A girl can dream.
-I watch A LOT of horror movies and action movies. I grew up watching Wesley Snipes movies. Passenger 57? Give me any movie about trouble in an airplane. I’m there.
-I hate country music more than words can explain. (Garth in the 90’s gets a free pass.)
-I would have 8 dogs if Mike and Carl would let me. (I finally got Bo. 1 down. 7 to go. MWAHA)
-I’m pretty sure socks are the devil. Also, pants. Constriction is not for me.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award – have a look at my blog for the rules if you’d like to accept. Thank you for the inspiration .. and hope you’re feeling better now!

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